Still Not A Line-Waiter

But then, I've never had much patience for waiting in line. For this reason, a trip to Disney* has never been a really high priority for me (in fact, the idea of the crowds and the lines, to say nothing of the cost, is a bit of a nightmare for me), and when I encounter a long line for an event or to get food, I usually step aside and wait it out. I recall a time when the kids were little, and I got up early to go shopping on a Black Friday (which I never, ever do), and within a half-hour of being in Toys-R-Us I abandoned my cart and headed out the door.
So, on the bright side, I guess I don't need to feel the pressure to spend $600 on a new iPad right now. The downside is, I still want one. A lot. : (
*If I had not gone to Disney for a conference five years ago, I'm pretty sure I still would not have gone there by now. During an afternoon break I walked from my hotel to The Magic Kingdom, wandered around for a couple of hours, stood in line for "It's a Small World," and walked back to my room. I can now check that one off my list. Annalisse, who has always wanted to go to Disney, will probably cite this as a reason for her ruined childhood when she's in therapy during her mid-life crisis.