Mother's Day Weekend Recap
Then, on Saturday morning we got up bright and early and headed over to the market for our long awaited sticky buns - AWESOME, and worth the long winter's wait. Of course, they are made even better by being fried in wonder my spare tire is inflating more and more...
Later in the morning, Annalisse and Nic headed out to get pedicures in preparation for Annalisse's 10th grade dance that evening, and Cam and I headed out for to do some errands (a great chance for him to practice driving), then we came home, we had lunch, and by then it was almost time to get Annalisse to her hair appointment. Let's just say it was an expensive day for our high maintenance daughter. The results were definitely worth the wait as the "finished product" looked absolutely adorable. How grown up she looked!
Three of her friends came over for some pre-dance noshing and picture taking, then it was off to the dance. Rumor has it that a good time was had by all and this year's dance, unlike last year's dance, was not cancelled within one hour because of "grinding." After the dance, the kids went to a friends house for about an hour until Mark and I had to drag our butts off the couch(es) to bring them home. Exhaustion all around.
We got up early on Sunday for church, then headed home for a bacon/pancake breakfast, which was awesome. Cam slept at a friends and got home around 10am so we had a really nice family breakfast actually sitting around the table in the dining room. I know! Hard to believe. After breakfast, I took Jasper swimming then gave him a bath (it will take him two or three days to dry out), and we did yard work before picking Grandma Pat up for a trip to Pudgies in Canandaigua for pizza.
What a great weekend it was, made better by the wonderful warm and sunny weather. On this Mother's Day I feel very blessed and content, and refreshed and ready, I suppose, to start another week at work (...and counting the days until retirement...).