The Never Ending List
The other really exciting thing that happened on Monday, besides the never-ending 14th birthday celebration, was that our Turkish (well, techinically it's Iranian) rug arrived by way of Mom/Mark transport from Dave and Mandy's place in Virginia. The renovation project that started in February is coming along nicely. Now that the rug is in place, all we need to do is get new furniture (HA!). There are still a couple of loose ends to be tied up (as reflected by "the list" on the refridgerator). The "list" contains such compelling ($$) items as:
- shutters for the upstairs bathroom and Cam's room
- new shower fixture
- new bathroom cabinet handles
- drywall repair and paint side entrance
- and, of course, new furniture (couch and chair)
On next year's list you'll find:
- new sewer pipes in basement
- remove wallpaper and paint the backroom (Mark's cave)
- paint Annalisse's room
And possibly, next year if we can swing it:
- remove wallpaper and paint the downstairs bathroom
- tile for downstairs bathroom
- new vanity
- new toilet
- new tub (maybe...)
On a distant, future year's list you'll find:
- seal (or replace) driveway
- home theatre system (TV mounted above fireplace and wireless remote for all equipment)
- paint the outside of the house
- new porch
- new front steps
Then, when we win the lottery:
- new garage
- a new kitchen!
Whew! I'm still waiting for that pot of gold to drop into our yard. I'd better get outside and look for the rainbow!
(Apologies for the less-than-stellar pictures. I can't seem to locate my camera [but am pretty sure I know who might have it - ANNALISSE!], so I will post better pictures of the rug later.)