Judy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Week
So, after a course of antibiotics and heat for the last week, my leg is looking decidedly better. The rest of my body, though, is having its own challenges. My loving son was kind enough to pass on his cold, complete with constant sneezing, a non-productive cough, and a low-grade fever thrown in, which I've been battling in earnest since Wednesday. Today is Saturday, and I'm still not feeling very energetic or strong. I'm pretty sure it's not the H1N1 virus since there has not been a lot of the other symptoms, but it's been enough to keep me in the house and on the couch all week (as if i needed another reason to take a nap).
And today I'd better get that nap, for tonight we will be overrun by ghouls, princesses and monsters. Now, if I could only get up the energy to carve that pumpkin!