Head of the Fish: Worst Case Scenario

On Saturday evening we returned from a day of torrential rain, 40 degree temperatures and a hellish day of rowing in Saratoga. The forecast had called for rain and chilly weather all day, but it turned out to be a dangerous rowing day with many of the kids suffering from borderline hypothermia, and even one of the Fairport kids going to the hospital. The coaches do talk a lot about dressing in layers, in spandex, in gortex, yada yada, but the kids were quickly soaked through all their layers from the relentless rain and puddles of mud (with a couple of thunder bolts thrown in for good measure).

When Cam came off the water after racing his eight-boat, he could barely walk and he, along with his teammates, were shivering uncontrollably. Luckily the coaches had the good judgement to pull Fairport out of the race by 11:30am, and we were on our way back home by 2pm after a quick lunch.

Needless to say, we did not make it to Vermont. Once I saw the problems with the weather situation at the regatta, I didn't feel comfortable leaving the kids.

On a brighter note, for the races the kids did complete, Annalisse's boat came in 4th out of 18, losing to the 3rd place boat by just three seconds, and Cam's boat came in 9th out of 20. Not a bad showing for a very bad day.


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