What News, Europe?

A lot of people have asked me if we have heard from Cameron yet. The answer is "no," and we don't really expect to. We made the decision not to by him an international calling card because we had heard, and have since heard, that they are really difficult to use. We also considered adding a temporary international plan to his cell phone, but the delegate leaders expressly said not to bring cell phones. So, that leaves us with trying to contact him at one of the hotels along the way, a hit-or-miss proposition at any rate with the time difference and the chance that the hotel we call will not have individual phones in the rooms. We've been relying on all the phone and e-mail messages from the other kids to their parents to let us know how the trip has been going.

The plan right now is to try to call Cam in his hotel around 4pm tomorrow (10pm in Rome). I may try to enlist my neighbor, Yolie, who I think speaks Italian, for the beginning of the call in case I have difficulty communicating with the hotel operator.

We'll let you know how it goes!


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