A Week without 4-H Camp...
We dropped the kids off for a week at 4-H Camp Bristol this afternoon. They could not wait to get there!! I always find it so ironic that Cameron, the sit-on-the-couch-play-video-games-kid loves going to camp, and wants to spend all next summer there if he can. This summer he'll be a CIT (counselor in training), and this is his last hurrah before he heads to Europe late next week.
Of course, we'll be taking advantage of "our vacation," too, by eating out several times this week. It looks like we'll make it out Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights. On Wednesday we need to head to the west-side with Cameron (we'll be picking him up at camp for a couple of hours) for a mandatory People-to-People picnic to finalize details before his trip. On Thursday I have a work picnic, and the kids will be home Friday afternoon. We're still not exactly sure where we'll find our culinary delights...I'll keep you posted! Until then, Bon Appetite!