Smoke Does Not Get In Their Eyes
I am the daughter of two smokers (although my father had quit at least 30 years before his death, and my mother has not smoked in 16 years), and I can vividly remember cold winter nights riding in the car when, windows closed, both parents would be smoking and I would struggle to breath. I have always hated smoking, and vowed never to touch a cigarette, and I never have. At the same time I try not to be too militant about it (although I would like to be), realizing that smoking is legal and people have a right to slowly kill themselves this way. I could never have married a smoker, and hope my kids never feel the pressure to try it (how anyone could start smoking these days, with all we know about the health effects on them and others, is beyond me). I was very glad several years ago when New York State outlawed smoking in public places, and it's a little weird, and annoying, now when I go to a state that allows smoking. Contrary to what smokers predicted, bars, restaurants, and bowling alleys, did not go out of business, and five years down the line we are seeing the positive effects of the law.
So, way to go Wegmans! Some may stop shopping there, but not me. I will support your brave decision.