For lack of all other excitement, a new template

You know when I talk about the fact that I shook things up with a new template that it's a slow news day (week? month?). There's just not that much going on right now! But, there is some good stuff coming up like:
  • A recap of my Pride & Prejudice get together on Saturday - a bunch of chicks sitting around watching the 5-hour BBC movie starring Colin Firth (the ONE, the ONLY, Mr. Darcy). Screening starts at 11am and ends at 5pm. High tea break at 2:30pm. Let me know if you'd like to drop by!
  • My brother-in-law and his wife are expecting their first baby within the week. They are currently living in Turkey (the country, not the meat). Come, cousin, come!
  • Groundhogs Day - hands down, the most anticipated holiday of the year for winter-haters.
  • Jasper will be 9 months on on Monday. He weighs 48.6 pounds now, still on the small side for a male Golden.

So, check back for these and other (hopefully) exciting events on the Baker Blog!


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