Out with 2016, in with 2017
Well, 2016, your time has come. Time to move on from a year with some great high points and what seemed like a lot of worrying with a couple of low points thrown in.
We certainly did a lot this year: our first trip abroad, Cam graduated from college, moved to Maryland, then moved back. Annalisse took a trip to Italy and had a productive summer, as well as finishing her next to last term at SU.
But, I feel a general sense of malaise and apprehension going into 2017 with Trump at the helm. I think his election has affected a segment of Americans in a way we have never experienced before. Some are jubilant, others are filled with dread for the future. The contentious election and its result has pulled people apart more than ever before. We will have to wait and see how things go.
And 2016 - what a year for loss of famous figures, celebrities, and pop stars.
I usually make a list of goals for the new year, and they never seem to change. They usually revolve around losing weight, getting our finances in order, and staying connected to those we love. For 2017, though, I may make some progress toward goals like find a new position/career change (once Annalisse is done with school), get to those much needed renovations in the house, and maybe try to simplify a little - get rid of some stuff. Somehow, a simple cabin in the woods with room for Jasper to run and a trout stream nearby seems appealing right now.
2017 does hold some promise: Cam has an interview for his job at UR next week (to change from contract to permanent), I will be going to Salt Lake City for the NAGAP conference in April (and am hoping we can manage to have Mark come along), Annalisse will graduate from Syracuse in May, and will hopefully secure a dietetic internship for fall (which will cause us all a lot of worry and anxiety - warning you now), and Cam has a nice girlfriend (hallelujah!). Mom Shiao will celebrate her 75th in March, and Jasper is in good health for being almost 10. That's the great thing about a new year: all the promise it holds!!
All he best to you and yours for the new year.