Recipe for a perfect weekend

What's the recipe for a perfect weekend?


  • Eight extra hours off work on Friday 
  • Dinner with a special sister
  • A perfect night under the stars, chatting with friends, and listening to some great tunes at Fairport Brewing
  • Getting up early on Saturday and getting some delicious bagels
  • A trip to Canandaigua to get some sweet yellow, orange and white pansies for the garden, followed by lunch at PUDGIES!
  • A full day of yard work
  • Dinner with the family
  • An evening walk with Pup
Enjoy each ingredient as it happens. Add a dash of sunshine, and throw in a thunderstorm or two.

BONUS: Realize it's only Saturday night and there's a whole other day ahead! More yard work, and the promise of a nap. What a perfect weekend!

Perfect Weekend Post-Script: The wind and rain swept in on Saturday afternoon, and, 


the temperature dropped from 80 and humid to 48, with pouring, cold, non-stop rain. WHAT A BUZZKILL.


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