Weird Chance Encounters

This is the last of my catch-up blogs from the last month...

The last three weeks have been a little weird in terms of chance meetings with people who are in places I didn't expect them to be. Several such chance meetings that have happened to me recently are:
  • Running into my Rochester higher ed colleague and pal Joe C. at the top of Whiteface Mountain.
  • Seeing my NAGAP colleague Katie B., who recently moved to the Rochester area from DC, at the Fairport Oktoberfest.
  • After chatting with Katie about her new job at RIT and finding out that her new boss is someone I have heard a lot about (good things!) for many years but never met, then meeting said boss at Fairport Brewing Company not 10 minutes later. We both acknowledged that we knew a lot about each other despite never having met!
  • Running into Annalisse's first Mercyhurst roommate, Sarah (who is from Ohio) at the Head of the Genesee Regatta since both Cam and her boyfriend are rowers and she had traveled from Erie for the day to cheer him on.
Seriously, what are the chances of me running into these random people in these unexpected ways? It definitely felt a little serendipitous!


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