The Freshman
Yesterday, in spite of all the nervousness and anxiety, we made the 2 hour, 45 minute drive to Erie, PA to drop Annalisse off at Mercyhurst. I cannot believe we got all her stuff in the car. Really unbelievable.
Move in was very smooth as guys from the wrestling team helped load up a bin and bring her stuff into the beautiful Warde Hall, which just opened a couple of years ago. Annalisse had only "met" her roommate Sarah, a dance major Ohio, electronically since they connected on Facebook and had been exchanging texts and Twitter messages for a couple of months. Sarah moved into the room on Tuesday as she had to be there early for dance.
Warde Hall features spacious double rooms with a bathroom in each, air conditioning, a fitness center, common areas on each floor, a movie screening room and a little convenience store on the first floor. Annalisse took a lot of factors into consideration when deciding where to live and chose Warde mostly because of her stomach issues. Exercise helps with that and she thought it might be a good idea be able to use the fitness center if she couldn't get out for a run. Also, she liked the convenience store in case she wanted to get a snack. Well, that was her story anyway. I think she just liked it because so sparkly new and fancy.
After arranging the room and putting everything away (I will admit I'm not much of a decorator so I bet there are tons of more cleverly decorated rooms), we trekked off campus to the mall to get her a small TV. Then, it was back to campus to put the finishing touches on her room and get her TV set up. We also went to the bookstore (or, gift shop, as she calls it) to get her books for the semester. Of course, they were as astronomically expensive as you would imagine.
We said our goodbyes around 4:15pm (in case you're wondering: there were no tears on my part as I quickly slipped away and tried not to make a big fuss, but I'm not sure about her). I was super excited about her being there and all the great stuff they had planned for orientation, as well as knowing that she'd be meeting a ton of new friends. It's all good!!
After we left, the kids were to gather as a floor to head to the dining hall around 4:30, then there are non-stop activities planned until Wednesday when classes start. On our way back to Rochester we picked up Cam and had a great dinner with him. He was in a really good mood and talking a lot.
As parents, we can't ask for much more than happy kids, can we? Now, if you'll excuse me there is a dog who is demanding my attention, and shall now have 100% of it!