30 Day of Wha...???

"Thirty Days of Thankfulness" is all the rage on Facebook. That's when the user posts something they're thankful for every day from November 1 through 30. C'mon people. We all know that we're thankful for family, friends, food, jobs, homes, health, pets...I'm not sure I could keep up with a such a task and keep it interesting for those who peruse such blather over their morning coffee (which is another thing I'm thankful for ~ especially Jamaican Me Crazy).

So I thought I'd try to post a few things I'm thankful for (for which I'm thankful?), which are a little out of the ordinary:

  • The quiet mornings when I don't have to go to work and can indulge in my news junky tendencies over a Wegman's marathon roll with raspberry jam and a 20 oz up of Green Mountain Coffee.
  • Those occasional warm winter nights when I'm taking the dog for a walk and keep going past my usual route because I just want to enjoy the solitude of a clear, starry warm night with my pal.
  • Vermont
  • Surrounding myself with others with similar off-beat, silly senses of humor (you know who you are).
  • Groundhog's Day
  • The sun streaming into my upstairs three-season porch. And, at night, hanging out with the heater blowing directly on me.
  • Memories of a great childhood surrounded by family and friends (and the occasional old boyfriend).
  • Apple products
  • My niece, Nicole, now lives in Fairport
  • My naturally sunny disposition (Ha!)
  • Our yearly girls weekends
  • Eating out
  • Music. All kinds of music, except for jazz, rap, techno, country (I do like the classic/cowboy country that I grew up with), hip-hop, blues. Okay, maybe not all kinds of music but lots of kinds of music. Except those I listed.
  • Books
  • Fat-free half and half
  • Great neighbors
  • Feeling younger than I actually am (which shall not be revealed here)
  • Turkey dinner on Thanksgiving (and any time of the year for that matter)
There are a lot of things I'm not thankful for/annoyed by, but that's a story for another day. A wonderful Thanksgiving to all!! 


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