The Libra Girls

The Libra Girls
JoAnn, Judy and Meg
Tomorrow we crest the Libra cusp and say goodbye to our favorite zodiak sign for another year (unbelievable).

Tonight, just in time to catch the last scent of Libra, my friends, JoAnn and Meg, and I got together for annual "libra dinner," a tradition that Meg says has been going on for 21 years (I can't remember those details so I leave it to her). For 21 years we've been having our special dinner, and it seems like they are getting more poignant as we age. JoAnn is in her mid-60s now, I'm almost you-know-what, and Meg is about four years younger than me.

I've known JoAnn since I was 21 and had just joined Nazareth, so we go "way back." Meg and I met when we worked together at Naz, and she took care of Cam for the first three years of his life and also Annalisse for a little while until she (Meg, not Annalisse) had to go back to work and give up childcare. They are great girls and it's so wonderful to catch up - it's like a year has not passed since the last time we saw each other.

So here's lots of love to my Libra girls: Meg and JoAnn! May the scales ever balance in your favor!!


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