The Courtyard, Global Village |
On Monday afternoon we took Cam back to RIT for his sophomore year. This year he is sharing an apartment with five other guys in the newish
Global Village. He and another kid (that he does not know) are sharing a room, and the other four guys (he knows them: one is from Fairport and two are from Hawaii, of all places! The other guy is someone he met last year).
You should see this place: Shopping! Dining! Outdoor lounging complete with a water sculpture, fire pit and sofas! Seriously, this place is like a country club - it makes me (and everyone I know) want to go back to college.
Cam apparently has a grand plan for improving his grades this year and, while he won't reveal much, it sounds like the plans include getting up early to work out and getting a job on campus. At this point he says he doesn't want to do crew so he can "focus on getting his grades up," so that's disappointing but we shall see. If he does get his grades up it will be worth it.
As for the on-campus job, he had one within an hour of arriving on campus. After we moved his stuff in and got most of it settled, we headed "downstairs" to the Global Village for lunch. A friend of ours runs the food court area of the complex so we went over to say "hi, and Cam mentioned that he'd be applying for a job there. Deb immediately said "Don't worry about it, I'll give you a job," and that was that. He started his first day today. He was pretty happy about that.
He was super excited to get back to school, although I know he's missing his camp friends. Fingers crossed for a successful year academically!!!
The Courtyard |
Kitchen |
Cam's Bed on his side of the room |
Living Room |