The Empty Nesters
It sure is quiet here. [crickets, crickets]
There's a lot less laundry, no picking up, I've hardly run the dishwasher (you need to cook to create dirty dishes). Unlike in years past we haven't really eaten out a lot (trying to keep the expenses down with another round of tuition due soon).
The German trip is going "okay." Some of the issues that occurred here with personalities have continued to Annalisse's homestay and are making for a true learning and growing experience for her. She's trying to keep positive and appreciate the opportunity, and is looking forward to next week when the kids travel around a bit more. Cam is, of course, enjoying his time at camp and was actually quite pleasant and talkative when he was home last weekend. A nice surprise.
I'm taking advantage of this time to have a couple of dinner dates with my girlfriends, and will head up to Massena to see Mom on Friday (picking up Mary on the way). Then, next week it's off to Sin City as I head to Las Vegas for a quick trip to present on a panel for NAGAP's professional development institute. There's nothing like LV in July. Ugh.
In the meantime, I am enjoying the quiet!