Looks Like "I've" Made It

Tonight a neighbor saw me in Wegmans and mentioned I was on "her list" - that she was going to invite me to play "Bunco" with a group of cardplayers who are invited to play Euchre on occasional weekends.

ME! BUNCO! Just like all those stay-at-home moms! 

Wow! BUNCO! The game of housewives everywhere! I can't believe it!

Okay, I admit it. I don't know how to play Bunco. I think it involves tossing dice and drinking wine. All I know is that in my last neighborhood all the women got together and played Bunco, and I was never invited. It seemed like they had all bonded as stay-at-home moms and I was a bit of an outsider, being one of the only working women in the group. I always wondered what they did all day once their kids were all in school. [One woman I know who is a stay-at-home mom (and whose kids are in school all day) has a home that is a complete mess. I wonder what she does all day when kids are gone?] I fancied writing an undercover novel entitled "The Secret Life of the Suburban Wife," and still may someday. 

Nothing against stay-at-home moms. I even resented it a bit that I wasn't able to stay home with the kids when they were little, but it looks like the fruits of my labor on the street are paying off.

Did I know that someday it would all lead to Bunco?!


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