A Random Potpourri of Thoughts
Well, the sign of Libra is winding down, regrettably. It's been a crazy week that found me out at one thing or another every night, except tonight, when I am sitting in my sweats in my upstairs three-season porch with the heater blasting on me. HEAVEN!
iPhone 4S
I can't believe a week has gone by and I haven't mentioned that I bought the new iPhone 4S. Of course, I can't afford it and there was just a teeny tiny bit of buyer's remorse but GOSH DARN IT, my iPhone 3 was almost three years old, the apps were constantly crashing, it took forever to respond when I was typing and it was extremely slow in general. (Still, I didn't really need it.) Annalisse got her iPhone at the same time with the $$ she has earned at her bussing job, so we each had a very exciting day on Friday, October 14 when I arrived at the AT&T store by 6:50am (and still had seven people ahead of me)...and I can't even tolerate lines! I was that excited! And, IT'S AWESOME!
Tomorrow I head to Chicago for the weekend for my NAGAP board meeting. I can't wait to go. I just love Chicago. This time I plan to get over to Jackson Park, which is the site of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition (Chicago World's Fair), which I am currently fascinated by after reading Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City. I fly home by 4pm on Sunday to get ready for another awesome week at work. *Sigh*
More Crew
Looking ahead to next weekend, the plan right now is to head to Saratoga to watch Cam in Head of the Fish regatta. He said that the team is not really ready for a "real" race yet since all the JV rowers have never actually rowed before, but his coach is using this as an opportunity to give the team practice and experience to a formal/competitive race. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let there be nice weather. Remember two years ago when he almost got hypothermia from the cold and the wet? Right....
The End of the World
Apparently the world is going to end again tomorrow on October 21. My question is, if it happens to end between 8 and 9am when I'm in the air on the way to Chicago, where will we land? Will we just wander through space for all eternity?
That's about it for the potpourri of updates from the Bakers. Obviously, we're mired in the day-to-day and there's nothing really exciting going on. I'll take mundane.
iPhone 4S
I can't believe a week has gone by and I haven't mentioned that I bought the new iPhone 4S. Of course, I can't afford it and there was just a teeny tiny bit of buyer's remorse but GOSH DARN IT, my iPhone 3 was almost three years old, the apps were constantly crashing, it took forever to respond when I was typing and it was extremely slow in general. (Still, I didn't really need it.) Annalisse got her iPhone at the same time with the $$ she has earned at her bussing job, so we each had a very exciting day on Friday, October 14 when I arrived at the AT&T store by 6:50am (and still had seven people ahead of me)...and I can't even tolerate lines! I was that excited! And, IT'S AWESOME!
Tomorrow I head to Chicago for the weekend for my NAGAP board meeting. I can't wait to go. I just love Chicago. This time I plan to get over to Jackson Park, which is the site of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition (Chicago World's Fair), which I am currently fascinated by after reading Erik Larson's The Devil in the White City. I fly home by 4pm on Sunday to get ready for another awesome week at work. *Sigh*
More Crew
Looking ahead to next weekend, the plan right now is to head to Saratoga to watch Cam in Head of the Fish regatta. He said that the team is not really ready for a "real" race yet since all the JV rowers have never actually rowed before, but his coach is using this as an opportunity to give the team practice and experience to a formal/competitive race. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let there be nice weather. Remember two years ago when he almost got hypothermia from the cold and the wet? Right....
The End of the World
Apparently the world is going to end again tomorrow on October 21. My question is, if it happens to end between 8 and 9am when I'm in the air on the way to Chicago, where will we land? Will we just wander through space for all eternity?
That's about it for the potpourri of updates from the Bakers. Obviously, we're mired in the day-to-day and there's nothing really exciting going on. I'll take mundane.