Today is THE Day!

Today is the day for which we've been preparing a LONG time. And I'm not just talking the last couple of years. Isn't most, if not all, a child's education geared toward preparing him/her for college (or a trade) after high school, which gives him/her the education or training needed to be a productive member of society? Obviously, a rhetorical question.

So all that readin', writin', and 'rithmetic has led us to college move-in day. The car is packed, the boy, and the parents, are ready. I'm so excited for all the new experiences that lay ahead for Cam, good and bad; this will be a time of tremendous growth for him. Today he goes to college as a teenager, tomorrow he will come home as a man. Well, not literally tomorrow, but the proverbial "tomorrow." Corny, eh?

Good luck to my eldest! The world is at your feet!!


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