Goodbye To "The Friends"

On Monday, we're having Annalisse's room painted so today we spent some time cleaning things out to get ready. Annalisse made it a point to tell me that when we put her room back together she doesn't want her stuffed animals or kids books in there anymore. Of course, that made sense, but it was heartbreaking to send her "friends" into the attic to be stored in large plastic tub until she's ready to enjoy them again...probably when she shares them with her own children.

Throughout the years we've had many "clean outs" of the kids rooms when all the diggers, kid's books, trains, Legos, Barbies, American Girl dolls and stuffed animals are put into storage, but that didn't make it any easier for me to say "goodbye" this time as I felt I was also saying goodbye to my last "young" child and getting myself ready for the fact that in two years, she too, would be getting ready to head off to college.

Readers of the B@ker Blog with young children: I know you've heard it before, but enjoy every minute while they're still at home because someday those fluffy bears, stuffed ponies, and roller-skating kittens will be turned away to make room for make-up, more clothes, fancy shoes and a growing collection of yearbooks.


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