Goodbye, 2011
How is it possible that it is the end of the year already? At times it is very disconcerting how fast the years go now. It seems as good a time as any to reflect on the highs and lows of the last year, which, overall, was a pretty good one. If I had to think about a theme (or, in this case, several themes) for 2011, they would be: Milestones ~ Connections ~ Travel ~ Fun Milestones An 18th birthday, a high school graduation, a 30th class reunion, starting college, a 16th birthday, a 50th birthday. WOW, those are a lot of exciting, important events for one year. I made it through mostly all of them without a lot of tears (of happiness). Milestones really do help us mark the passage of time, don't they? Connections This was truly a year of connections - spending time with loved ones and reconnecting with those who mean a lot but who we don't see all the time. Cam's graduation and celebrating Annalisse's Sweet 16 and Mark's 50 gave us many great oppo...