Vacation Countdown
While I know we should not dismiss our moments as we wait for others to arrive, I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS VACATION. One more week until I'm off for 10 days, and I really feel like I need the downtime. It's been a crazy, stressful fall and I just want to chill out at home and work on some once-a-year projects like:
- Clean out the cellar and arrange all the garage sale stuff (dreaming of June - there I go not living in the moment again...)
- File two years worth of kids "to keep" stuff in their memory bins in the attic
- Put approx. 700 pictures into photo albums (this idea deserve a blog entry all its own)
- Take down the wallpaper in Mark's cave to get it ready for painting in February
- Relocate all the games in the cupboards to make room for the 30 photo albums
Of course, beyond the projects, on the vacation list are (these mostly go without saying):
- Sleep late
- Walk with pup to get coffee every morning
- Take naps
- Get up to see Mary for quick overnight if the weather allows
- Don't eat too much (very hard this time of year)
So, ONE MORE WEEK. Give me strength.