Another Mother's Day, Come and Gone

Another Mother's Day has come and gone, and, well, it turns out today was just like every other day, the same as all the other Mother's Days so far. It's probably my own fault that today wasn't more special (I suppose I should get my mileage worth), but I'm really not one of those to encourage spending (which I would probably end up paying for anyway) on cards, flowers or gifts. Just give me a good dinner out (as if I need an excuse to eat out), and I'm happy.

I did come across a really good column by Ana Vaciana Suarez, who writes for the Miami Herald but whose columns are sydicated in the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, entitled "What I Want for Mom's Day." It's a great piece which pretty much sums up what all mothers want for their children on Mother's Day: a life well lived. Great insight! While my kid's actions me sometimes drive me crazy, most of the time I'm so proud of what they are becoming - Mother's Day reminds me of ho w truly blessed I am!

This Mother's Day was a little worrisome with my mother taking a tumble and breaking her hip last evening during a dinner out with my sister and my niece. After a series of phone calls last night (while we were in Saratoga at the kid's regatta), it was determined that she would most likely have surgery this morning, which is what ended up happening. All went well with the surgery (during which she had two rods put into her hip,), and I'm told they'll try to get her up on her feet tonight. Of course, coming up on 80 years old this is one of those things we know can happen, and the doctor said she did great and is still in great health for 80 (as well as almost having died 20 years ago from a brain aneurysm). Hang in there, Aline, you tough old bird!!

Well, I think I've milked it enough for one day, and I'm topping my special day off with a night watching TV by myself in the back room with my dog. HEAVEN!


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