It's Great for What Ails You!
Isn't it amazing how much better we all feel when the sun is out and the days start to warm up? It's finally Spring, we made it!! Sure, it might snow a couple more times, but there's no way it will stick around for any amount of time. Jasper has been so patient this winter, with brief walks down the street at night taking the place of our walks around the winter - and his big butt show it - boy is he putting on weight due to the lack of exercise and long walks.
Mark did a ton of work outside this weekend. I helped a little, but I also did a lot of little things in the house and he gets a great amount of satisfaction from a neat, tidy, and attractive yard. He was rarin' to go by 7:30 on Saturday morning, and worked through today (rewarding himself with a nap).
I feel so alive! The last couple of weeks have been a little challenging with incredibly busy schedules and a couple of sad things that have happened, but an afternoon in the warm sunshine is really great for what ails you!
Mark did a ton of work outside this weekend. I helped a little, but I also did a lot of little things in the house and he gets a great amount of satisfaction from a neat, tidy, and attractive yard. He was rarin' to go by 7:30 on Saturday morning, and worked through today (rewarding himself with a nap).
I feel so alive! The last couple of weeks have been a little challenging with incredibly busy schedules and a couple of sad things that have happened, but an afternoon in the warm sunshine is really great for what ails you!