Hurray for Friday, Part I!
Finally, it's Thursday and we're easing into a long weekend. Yesterday Mark and I were off for his every-5-year colonoscopy, during which they removed three small polyps. Those results were the same as his exam five years ago, and he's one of those people who doctors keep an eye on since his dad had colon cancer. As a result, the doctor recommended our kids start having them in their 30s! We'll wait a while to tell them that great bit of news!! BUTT enough about colons...
Tomorrow the kids and I are off to get the long holiday weekend started a little early. We don't have much planned, except packing for YET ANOTHER weekend out of town. It all starts on Saturday morning with an early morning trip to Syracuse for a crew regatta (we have to be there by 7am - and you know what that means!), after which we're going to hit the road for a quick trip to Gloucester, Mass. to pick up Mom's car from Aunt Martha, who's been using it for the last year. We're making it into another mini-vacation as we'll try to visit a couple of fun spots while we're in the area on Sunday (Rockport, Gloucester, Salem) before heading back early on Monday. Then, that should be it for travel for a while, although it doesn't mean our weekends are free. The month of June is basically filled, but all the activities are closer to home, so MAYBE I'LL GET MY NAP IN!
Tomorrow the kids and I are off to get the long holiday weekend started a little early. We don't have much planned, except packing for YET ANOTHER weekend out of town. It all starts on Saturday morning with an early morning trip to Syracuse for a crew regatta (we have to be there by 7am - and you know what that means!), after which we're going to hit the road for a quick trip to Gloucester, Mass. to pick up Mom's car from Aunt Martha, who's been using it for the last year. We're making it into another mini-vacation as we'll try to visit a couple of fun spots while we're in the area on Sunday (Rockport, Gloucester, Salem) before heading back early on Monday. Then, that should be it for travel for a while, although it doesn't mean our weekends are free. The month of June is basically filled, but all the activities are closer to home, so MAYBE I'LL GET MY NAP IN!