Crazy Week
I don't think I've gone a whole week without blogging since the Baker Blog was up and running. It's been a crazy week of catch up, travel, and birthdays!
The week started with home and work catch up from our weekend in Vermont, and I was out a a Buffalo area overnight for Grad Fairs Wednesday and Thursday. The joke around here is that every time I go out of town one of the kids (or the dog) gets sick. It looked like clear sailing by Wednesday night when there were no colds, fever, or other illness in sight. Then, on Thursday morning Annalisse called early to say she had a stomach ache and didn't want to go to school. A parent lesson learned early on is if you can get them to go to school they'll most likely be fine once they get there. That works most of the time, but not this 11am Mark got the call and had to go pick her up. She had a stomach bug and a low grade fever. So, of course my anxiety levels started to rise, and I hit the road for home at 1:15pm to get home by 3. I swear they all sit around and decide who's turn it is to be sick!
Yesterday we celebrated Mark's birthday. He came by my work for lunch, and in the evening we went out to Phillips European for fancy desserts and coffee. Tonight we're going out to dinner to celebrate with our awesome neighbors, Morey and Ann. If my laptop was up and running you would have been treated to some pictures, but, alas, it's still whacked out. A techie friend was able to get our documents and iTunes music off it, and he's going to see if he can work his magic to resuscitate the hard drive. Keep your fingers crossed - I hate working on the clunky Dell desktop we have, and it does not have the capability to read my camera, and the disk does not work, and...
So, it's off to dinner. The weekends are too short!