Blog Lite for a Friday Night

This fluffy non-substantial blog entry is brought to you by: A Non-Eventful Week. Non-eventful, however, is not exactly the same as boring. The week started out with the usual workday yada yada, but things really started getting interesting on Wednesday night (technically, Thursday morning), when I woke up and, um, had a stomach bug (the kind that results with stuff hurling out of your mouth and into the toilet). As a result, I was laid low on Thursday, barely able to get off the couch, and definitely not able to eat anything (that's one way to lose weight...this morning is the first time I dared step on the scale in MONTHS).

I had originally planned to take the kids to Seabreeze for the day, but that plan had to be scrapped and put aside until today. So today we, and a zillion other people, headed to the park for the last hurrah of summer (it didn't help that it was 90 degrees).

Tomorrow morning we're heading up to Letchworth State Park at 8am for an early morning breakfast with Mark's cousin, Sue, and her family. Then Mark (and possibly me, I haven't decided yet) are heading to the Village for the Fairport Music and Food Festival. I may just take a nap...

It's blog entries like these that make me wonder if I should do a blog...does anyone care? Of course you do! Thanks for visiting!


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