Opossum, Awesome! Plus, Weekend Randomness
Other than that, not too exciting a weekend. On Saturday morning we took Jasper for his training class - he's in pet therapy training through K-9 Healers at the Fairport Bapstist Home. It's a class of mostly Goldens with a Chocolate Lab (Teagan), an Australian Cattle Dog (Rex), a Boxer (Sadie), some kind of Terrier (can't think of her name...), and an amazingly huge, drooly, and fluffy St. Bernard (Peyton) thrown in. We're mostly working on helping the dogs to de-stress and relax in strange situations (by "milking" their ears and massaging from head to toe), and be able to sit calmly when someone comes by to pet them (we've got a long way to go on this one). We're also working on the "long down" where Jasper has to (eventually) lie down for 30 minutes. He's not too bad at this so far, but gets noticeably bored after about 5-6 minutes. The FBH residents watch the sessions so the dogs get used to having people around, and they get used to the adaptive equipment the residents use.
The kids are on spring break this week (they get WAY too much time off), so Mark and I took Monday and Tuesday off to hang with them and do some running around. Of course, the temperature toward the end of the week promises to be in the high 70s (it will only reach a mere high of 47 while we're off). I feel spring fever setting in. I could take a little more time off this week, but I'm saving my vacation time for the trip Mark and I are taking at the end of the month (we're going to Denver for a week, during which part of that time will be spent at a conference). We're looking forward to leisurely day trips and seeing the Rocky Mountains.
On a sad note...we lost our pup Casey one year ago today. We still miss her unique qualities.
On a happy note...Jasper's 1-year birthday is one week FROM today.