Congrats to my nephew, Anthony, who recently graduated from
Utica (actually, he technically will graduate in August when he finishes his last on-line class), and moved to Raleigh, North Carolina. This is a kid who decided, after College, that the WORLD WAS HIS, and with the help of my sister, Mary, and her husband, Larry, on June 1 headed off to a new life in the Big City (A trip that was not without tears for his parents.)...a 21-year-old kid who did not know anyone, did not have a job, and arranged for a place to live, sight unseen, via the Internet before he left town. All he had was some money saved and an itch to get going with his life.
So brave! I'm not sure I would have had the courage to take such a step without some kind of safety net at my destination. His second week there he landed a great job, which he will start next Monday. A lot of people criticize modern technology, but without it we would not be able to check in with him through IM a couple of times a day, or reach him quickly on his cell phone (included in anytime/anywhere minutes) if we need to.
So, hats off to you, Anthony (TONY), for knowing you want and going for it! Ah, to be 21 again!