Spring Tease
The Polar Versprilles at Jake's game In a lot of ways, this weekend was a teaser for spring. It got up to almost 50 on Saturday (But super, cutting, chilly wind ~ just ask me. We sat for 1 1/2 hours on a lacrosse field watching our cousin, Jake [Springfield College], play lacrosse against Naz) ! On Saturday morning, Mark and I gave the cars a good cleaning, inside and out before running one of the cars over to Cam to use for a couple of weeks while we visit Mom and Sue in Virginia, followed by a week in Denver for Mark. What a mess they were, but it was great to be able to do that so early in the season. The sun was shining brightly all weekend, which sure went a long way toward lifting my (and I'm guessing other people's) spirits. Annalisse is feeling better, but says she's still tired. Hopefully, she can get a little more active as the weather continues to get nicer. I think half the battle is to build her stamina back up after she's been sick for a month. S...